K’gari (Fraser Island) Dingoes

Living wild on Fraser Island

About the iconic (K’gari) Fraser Island Dingo

Australia’s first introduced species is the dingo which was introduced at least 3,500 years ago. Because they have been in the country for so long, dingoes have become a top-order predator and maintain a functional part within the natural ecological system. Dingoes on Fraser Island have significant conservation value due to their iconic status and because they have rarely been interbred with domestic or feral dogs, making the genetically unique. The dingoes are managed as protected wildlife within national parks – and therefore across the vast majority of Fraser Island – under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

Historically, the Fraser Island Dingo lived in harmony with the Butchella people prior to European settlement and were a part of camp life along with being significantly integrated into indigenous spiritual and cultural practices.

Today the Fraser Island dingoes run wild and free, seeing them in their natural habitat is special and a unique experience. It is vital for both the safety of the dingoes and humans that visitors do not disturb or disrupt the dingoes everyday lives. Living wild means that the dingoes must be reliant on the Island’s environment. Fraser Island Dingoes feed on a varied food diet including fish, crabs, reptiles, echidnas, bush rats, swap wallabies and bandicoots. They also eat insects and berries and you may even see them down by the beach feeding on dead marine and bird life that has washed up!


It is important that all visitors to Fraser Island follow the direction of Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) and be dingo safe at all times! When you follow QPWS regulations, you can stay safe and help to protect the dingoes. Fines up to $10,000 apply for interacting with dingoes.

When on Fraser Island, ensure at all times to:

  • Never feed dingoes; dingoes that get their food from humans may become aggressive – remember these are wild animals. It is illegal to feed or offer food to dingoes (or any other wildlife) and on the spot penalties apply.
  • Always stay within arm’s reach of children, even small teenagers; dingoes can move quickly and adjily, they may be closer than you think, so be alert and aware.
    Never walk alone, walk in groups; people walking alone are at more risk to be threatened or bitten by dingoes.
  • Do not let children run ahead.
  • Do not run. Running or jogging can trigger negative dingo interactions.
  • Camp in fenced areas where possible. Families with children 14 years and under are recommended to camp in fenced areas, if you are hiring a 4WD with us ask us to camp in a fenced zone. (Note: Our Tag-Along accommodation is at Happy Valley, within a fenced dingo zone).
  • Lock up your food stores and ice boxes, this is especially important in camping areas that are unfenced.
  • Hikers and walkers may encounter dingoes on tracks or in remote areas. Always walk with a stick in case of emergency. Never leave backpacks unattended, dingoes may drag bags away or tear into them to get at food.

To find out more information before you embark on your adventure, visit the links below:

For more information, visit:
Dingo Safe Flyer (PDF)
QPWS Dingo Information (Website)
Dingo Management Strategy (PDF)

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